SC Time Decomposition

Solves system of linear equations to decompose timefield by factors. Computed S (source) and R (receiver) factors then used by SC Apply module to apply static shifts and by SC Build Vel Model to perform interactive corrections.

sc time decomposition window

Choose horizon with first break picks.

Set the limits by offsets or by picks for each layer.

There are two mathematical models:

  1. F(i,j) = S(i)+R(j)+M(cdp)*|i-j| for refracted waves

  2. F(i,j) = S(i)+R(j)+M(cdp)*|i-j|^2 for relfected waves

In Special Conditions section set the parameters to regularize the solution.

For more information see:

Taner T.M., Wagner D.E., Baysal E., Lu L. A unified method for 2-D and 3-D refraction statics // Geophysics, 1998, vol. 63 (1), pp. 260-274.